Post by Graham CooperPost by vtcapoPost by ***<somebody wrote>
Post by Graham CooperDear Fabrizio,
Please apply your mathematic to the following events. I have a number
of people who would like an answer other than it being otherworldly.
This event was the result of a first encounter with a psychic. He was
lecturing in an upper floor meeting hall
in and old building in NYC .
The room was filled with rows of fold up
chairs 75-100 facing a
raised platform with a podium. An effeminate
man in his mid thirties
dressed impeccable in a suit and tie walked in
from a side door
accompanied by an assistant.
When I arrived he was about to commence with a lecture on
and the significance of the number 3. I hurried to take my seat
never saying a word and listened. After the lecture was finished
there was a
short break and you could feel the anticipation in the
packed house as they
knew what was to happen next. During the break
idle conversations were heard. I listened and did not speak.
When he returned from an adjoining room he walked up to the first row
and in semi-trance began to tell each person seated, one by one what
was coming up next in their lives. This was absolutely meaningless
me but by the expressions on peoples faces, intriguing. Row after
would leave after they got their personal reading with only a
staying on to watch it all.
When he finally got to me he pointed at me with closed eyes and said,
I see an older women who is upset with you. She is upset over your
work. You will have a “to do”, “words” over your …. Job. He
as if to go on to the next person when something drew him back
to me.
Pointing once again to me, he said, and I see this women upset
another women who is much older than her. He paused as if he
seeing something…..She fell and broke her arm. That was it .
Around 10:00 or 11:00 PM. that same evening the phone rings, it is my
mother. She goes off on a rant over the fact that I was quitting my
job. Ira, my boss gave her an ear full saying I was leaving him in a
lurch and my mother of course sided with him and was reprimanding me
about my decision to quit. But that is not what raised the hairs on
the back of my neck. I was about to end the conversation when my
mother blurts out… and give your grandmother a call. She slipped on
ice, and broke her wrist.
How would you account for the accuracy of the psychics cold reading
mathematically? This in not a trick question but an actual event. I
must stress that I had not spoken before or during the reading and had
no prior knowledge of my grandmother’s accident.
Richard Travisano
Your absent reply suggests you are of the opinnion it cannot be
calculated mathematically and is "other worldly".
Thank you....
And your reply implies what? I don't know.
Post by Graham CooperMacro Quantum Entanglement is the mechanism for all paranormal,
Chaos theory, events diverge.
Anti-Chaos theory, events converge (symbolically)
You can't break the laws of physics, but you can break the laws of
And this reply is even worse! What a meaningless jargon word salad! Just
throw all those bogus terms around and everyone will think how "smart"
you are. What have you really said? Nothing as far as I can see.
The story above exemplifies the problem of physics facing a topic on the
"fringe". Difficult subjects are viewed as best studied by ignoring them
and making fun of them and pretending they don't really exist. There is
even a journal (The Journal of Irreproducible Results) created
specifically to make fun of these topics and insure they are not taken
The point as you can see in the story above, has to do with
reproducibility. Science and physics in particular has taken to
demanding that all "facts" be reproducible on command. Sure it's great
that Maxwells equations tested today will be the same as tested tomorrow
and one can count on similar results each time. But is that all there is
to life? Hardly.
Perhaps you've seen me here making this point with satire posts with a
lampooning of Lightening I assert is a hoax because it's not
reproducible at will. Hence just like psychic phenomena it must be
simply a hoax and not exist!
Anyone who's seen REAL psychic phenomena in action (like the above
story) knows that trying to explain the results by chance or probability
or fraud or other skeptical arguments is simply scientific nonsense.
Ignorance codified as an argument. The probabilities of results being
"luck" are astronomically small. Faced with that, most "skeptics" simply
withdraw into accusations of lies and hoaxes as if a real scientist were
too dumb to know the difference. And then as icing on the cake there are
personal attacks on the sanity of the witnesses to insure that nobody
has the balls to press the issue further.
Obviously all this is the height of anti-science. All of which is made
all them more interesting by the very fact that while traditional
establishment "science" works hard to "debunk" such phenomena, the very
people paying the establishment for their time (government) is also
spending millions (probably much more) to actually investigate practical
applications of the phenomena for spying and other purposes. (remote
viewing) It's obviously all hypocrisy, with politics polluting real
So what is the answer? Well, I suggest some real scientists with actual
interests in these phenomena could start by growing a set of balls.
I have taken this incident and other cold reading incidents to
different NG’s and they have reacted just like BJACOBY explains. “…
most "skeptics" simply
withdraw into accusations of lies and hoaxes
as if a real scientist were
too dumb to know the difference. And then
as icing on the cake there are
personal attacks on the sanity of the
witnesses to insure that nobody
has the balls to press the issue
Frankly speaking I was expecting much of the same coming here and was
quite surprised that BJACOBY nailed it on the head. Some things are
just beyond our current physics to explain.
Quantum Theory can account for the random possibility but not for the
repeated accuracy concerning this and I would have to presume other
psychic’s cold readings. And by cold reading I mean he NEVER asks you
a question. It isn’t the con of those who presume the role of psychic
and proceed to fish for an answer by asking you question after
question before the reading. He would just tell you what was coming up
with almost 100% accuracy.
This in not to suggest that science will never come up with an answer.
It just hasn’t caught up to what the Mystics knew and what this
psychic explained to me in a private consultation. That being, there
is a thin veil that separates this 3D reality from the astral
dimension. This thin veil is constantly penetrated and the astral
bleeds through so to speak, hence all the reported paranormal events.
In reference to this psychic and his methodology, he explained that he
is able, in trance, to travel out of body to the Akashic Record (a
record of time past, present and PROBABLE FUTURES) view them and
correlate what is coming up next for you based on your previous causes
and effects. He also prefaced this by saying that EVERYTHING is
All your thoughts, words and deeds. I would assume there is some
scientific correlation to this.
Now, who am I to argue with someone who made such an indelible
impression by making actuate predicts that extended 40 years into my
future. They certainly can be debated and doubted by naysayers but
not dismissed as Graham Cooper suggests and explained away with “Macro
Quantum Entanglement is the mechanism for all paranormal,
Is protecting the current scientific paradigm so important to negate
the obvious?
That being, 3D is NOT all that there is…
BJACOBY is a *motivated* skeptic,
while Vtcapo is a methodologist 'believer'.
A number line analogy.
So your direction is the same, from a different approach.
Now to answer BJ's question and stance on REPLICATION..
the answer is: No Skeptic or Astrologer alike will duplicate a
successful test!
It took me 2 years to get someone to ask me to read their mind after
blitzing a Zenner Mindreading Test in 2010.
Skeptics don't want to duplicate results, they want to raise the bar,
tighten the protocol, add constraints, increase the odds, add
hecklers, ad homs, defamation, skeptic chanting 10,000 times, ...
I can read your mind 90% accuracy from 3 options, NO TAKERS FOR 10
Graham, believe me, I was the skeptic of the group I traveled with
back in 1972 when the events concerning this psychic occurred. I went
to school for aeronautical engineering and I WAS the Doubting Thomas.
You had to show me and he did more than once.
This is not mind reading as you suggest. Mind reading certainly does
not explain the accuracy of my first reading as well as the other
readings he performed not only on me but others in our group. I think
you are reaching for an explanation. I am just pleased that you
haven’t gotten to the point where you start calling me a liar.
The accuracy of such an off the wall prediction cannot be calculated
as chance. There was no reading my mind concerning my grandmother’s
fall. Did your Zenner Mindreading Test provide you with
prognostications that came true? And what I mean by prognostications,
real events described before the fact. Not an artificial card reading
in a lab setting. I sincerely doubt that. My psychic’s readings where
not 90% accurate, they were nearly 100% accurate with minor
differences such as “she fell and broke her arm” when in fact she
fell and broke her wrist. This has always been a point in the story
that naysayers latch on to. However, the last time I looked my wrist
was part of my arm.
I will leave you with one more incident. This event took place at
another cold reading session at the psychics meeting hall. This is not
my reading but the leader of our group who was sitting next to me.
Like my first reading I am being sincere. Remember, I have no desire
to convince anyone. I have nothing to gain from this other than
someone coming forward with break through analysis showing me how
these events are a con or trick. No skeptic to date has been able to
do this.
Pointing to Roger (our meditation group leader) the psychic said in
matter of fact terms, “I see you driving a vehicle”, he pauses…… “The
wheel comes off”. Immediate shock appears on Roger’s face and the
surrounding audience. You could hear a pin drop. “But don’t worry”, he
said, another pause as if viewing something…”No one will get hurt. You
will be fine”. That was it.
Because if his track record, if we had driven his truck into NYC we
would have taken the train back to Long Island. The very next morning
we thoroughly inspected his vehicle, paying particular attention to
the wheels checking to see if any connecting linkages were worn and
the wheel lugs were loose. All was in order and I remember
Roger, I think he got this one wrong. Of course in the back
of my mind, what if it’s not HIS vehicle he is talking about. But it
I think it was two days later I come into the commune and see his
truck up on blocks, the right rear wheel is off and Roger is shaking
his head. What in the hell happened I said?
Well, says Roger, I was driving down Greenlawn Boulevard and the
turned yellow. I applied the brakes and thump, the right rear
hits the
ground and the tire rolls past me as I come to a screeching
stop. No
one got hurt.
Upon further inspection, the studs on the right rear axle were ALL
sheared off. It was easy to determine the cause. It was stress
failure. Apparently this old truck had carried one too many heavy
loads and the axle failed. There was no way to see this coming
the axle was put under a microscope or like we used in the
stress lab
applied magna flux, a solution that would highlight hair
line cracks
in metal.
The question is, how did the psychic predict this other than the way
he told me by going to the Record? Graham or anyone else, if you can
equate this with mind reading please explain? I have waited over
forty years for a skeptic to come forward with a rational explanation.
The best anyone could do was to call me a liar.
This event prompted me to entertain a private reading session, which
only proved that wherever he was acquiring this information WAS
“other worldly.”
Anyone’s input would be appreciated….
PS One more thing. Can any mathematician out there tell me why Israel
is using the Bible Code? Oh I know there are websites out there that
dismiss this Matrix, which is a conduit to the Record as hocus pocus.
That however does not answer the question as to why Israel and the
Mossad are using it on a daily basis. That’s right, Arcane Cabalistic
Mysticism with the help of computers to insure the preservation of the
State. Do you think they know something?