On Fri, 28 Jul 2023 12:51:41 +0200 (CEST), Nomen Nescio
Post by Nomen NescioSouth Korean scientists have created a room-temperature
superconductor (that doesn't require huge pressure).
This has been claimed before, but claims were withdrawn
due to experimental error (probably fraud).
If can be mass-produced, would solve a lot of problems.
Doomsday can gets kicked down the road quite a few years.
(pre-print, yet to pass peer review)
Researchers are now working to replicate the Korean teams work, and
analysts say their findings will emerge within weeks. Meanwhile, Lee
told Yonhap that the team has already requested an international
journal to review their findings. They will be verified through peer
evaluation, Lee said.
Physicists have been hunting for a room-temperature, ambient-pressure
superconductor for decades. Such a material would be a game-changer
for electronics and global energy systems, and could help develop
technologies ranging from long-lasting batteries to levitating trains.
ALWAYS Vote oligarchies Coalition, Labor, "Greens" One Nation.
*LAST*, Federal State and Council!
Everything that defines us is now an enemy,
so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity,
they attack gender identity, they attack family identity.
I cant define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother, no.
I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2.
I must be a number, because when I am only a number,
when I no longer have an identity or roots,
then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators.
: - Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni